
😎.css is the CSS framework that will have you asking "oh god why?", and "is my text editor really this broken?"

It's a CSS framework where all the classnames are emojis. 😍



You should wrap all your content with a container class of 🎁.

<body class=🎁>...</body>


Use 👒 to mark the header of your page. This gives you a nice dark grey background and some padding.

<header class=👒>...</header>


Use 👗 to mark the main part of your page. This will set some lovely minimum height to ensure your pages aren't too short.

<main class=👗>...</main>


Use 👠 for the footer of your page. This will get you some cool grey background and text.

<footer class=👠>...</footer>

Helper Classes


Use 🔗 to add some snazzy styling to links.

<a href=... class=🔗>some link<a>

Hiding content

Use 🙈 to hide content with display: none;