Richard Towers

Recursive CTEs in ActiveRecord

Update 2025

As of Rails 7.2 ActiveRecord has support for recursive CTEs built in (thanks to ClearlyClaire).

It would still be a bit of a faff to construct the exact SQL from the postgres docs using Arel (as this blog post does), but roughly you could do:

class T < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.table_name = "t"

    Arel.sql("t(n)") => [
      Arel.sql("VALUES (1)"),
      Arel.sql("SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100")

The example from the changelog is probably better:

  post_and_replies: [
    Post.where(id: 42),
    Post.joins('JOIN post_and_replies ON posts.in_reply_to_id ='),

Generates the following SQL:

WITH RECURSIVE "post_and_replies" AS (
  (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = 42)
  (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" JOIN post_and_replies ON posts.in_reply_to_id =
SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts"

Original post

ActiveRecord is the Object Relational Mapper (ORM) in Rails which lets you interact with the database.

A lot of the time, you don’t have to think about SQL all that much - you write queries like:

User.where(name: 'Richard', occupation: 'Code Monkey').order(created_at: :desc)

… and ActiveRecord turns them to SQL invisibly when it goes to the database to fetch the results.

Occasionally though, we want to write a some SQL that isn’t well supported in ActiveRecord, or is quite separate from the models we have in the database.

Recursive CTEs in Postgresql

The Postgresql docs on Recursive Queries give the following example of a SQL query that sums the integers from 1 through 100:

    VALUES (1)
    SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100
SELECT sum(n) FROM t;

How would we express this in ActiveRecord? It doesn’t refer to any tables in the database, and it uses a few bits of SQL which ActiveRecord hasn’t got great support for (WITH RECURSIVE, VALUES(1), UNION ALL).

ActiveRecord includes a lower-level library called Arel, which allows us to manipulate the Abstract Syntax Tree more directly.

This includes the Arel.sql() method, which marks arbitrary strings as SQL statements. So the easiest thing to do would be to just wrap the whole SQL string with Arel.sql() and be done with it. That doesn’t compose well with the rest of ActiveRecord though - it would be nice if we could mix and match bits of custom SQL with ActiveRecord queries.

Recursive CTEs in ActiveRecord / Arel

We can use Arel to construct the syntax tree for the SQL in Postgresql’s docs.

First, we create a “table” reference called “t” - note that this isn’t actually creating a table (and in fact there is no table in the database called “t” at all), it’s just a way to refer to a table-like thing called “t”, like the one we have in WITH RECURSIVE t(n).

cte_table =

Next up we need the base case, which in SQL is VALUES (1). The best way I can work out to do this is:

base_case =[[1]])

Then we need the recursive case, SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100 in SQL. We can refer to the n column on the t table reference using cte_table[:n], leading to:

recursive_case = cte_table
    .project(cte_table[:n] + 1)

Now we can create the CTE, which names itself t(n), and is a UNION ALL between the base case and the recursive case:

cte_definition =
  Arel.sql("t(n)"),, recursive_case),

(Note that we had to use Arel.sql() here - this isn’t very elegant, but I couldn’t work out a way to get it to emit t(n) without wrapping it in quotes like "t(n)" which doesn’t work).

Finally, we can put this all together with the SELECT sum(n) FROM t clause and we have the full CTE:

cte = cte_table.project(cte_table[:n].sum).with(:recursive, cte_definition)

Calling cte.to_sql gives us (almost) the exact SQL we wanted:

WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS ( VALUES (1) UNION ALL (SELECT ("t"."n" + 1) FROM "t" WHERE "t"."n" < 100) ) SELECT SUM("t"."n") FROM "t"

And running this against a Postgresql database with ActiveRecord:


Gives the answer - {"sum"=>5050}

All in all, a very convoluted way to do the equivalent of (1..100).sum.

(Or the more efficient (100 * (1 + 100)) / 2 - thanks Carl Friedrich Gauss!)

Closing thoughts

The main reason to go to all this trouble is to be able to compose bits of ActiveRecord with less well-supported SQL features, which can occasionally have big performance advantages. Recursive CTEs can be very useful for traversing tree and graph structures without having to make multiple calls to the database, which in some situations can lead to big speed ups.

I’m not sure how stable the Arel library is - it’s possible it’s only really intended to be used inside ActiveRecord, so this approach could be a bit of a maintenance headache with ActiveRecord upgrades.

Prior art / Credits

I worked a lot of this out by following other people’s blog posts. In particular:

… none of them quite made it clear how to implement the case in the docs though, so here we are with another blog post.