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@licence This code is unlicenced.

Very small helper library to deal with conversions between color systems.

Currently supports:

  • HSV and RGB only

Expected formats:

  • HSV in the format: {h: hue, s: saturation, v: value}
  • RGB in the format: {r: red, g: green, b: blue}

Expected ranges:

  • 0 <= hue < 360 (values outside this range will wrap)
  • 0 <= saturation, value <= 1 (values will be cropped to fit)
  • 0 <= red, green, blue <= 255 (values will be cropped to fit)
window.define () ->
  "strict mode"
  class ColorConverter

Public methods


Takes a color, determines its type from its properties, and returns a new color in HSV

    colorToHsv: (color) ->
      if color.h? and color.s? and color.v? then return color
      if color.r? and color.g? and color.b? then return rgbToHsv color
      else throw color + " is not a supported color."


Takes a color, determines its type from its properties, and returns a new color in RGB

    colorToRgb: (color) ->
      if color.r? and color.g? and color.b? then return color
      if color.h? and color.s? and color.v? then return hsvToRgb color
      else throw color + " is not a supported color."

Private methods


Converts an RGB color to its HSV equivalent using the algorithm from wikipedia.

    rgbToHsv = (color) ->

Scale down the values, we'll work between 0 and 1 internally

      red = color.r/255
      green = color.g/255
      blue = color.b/255

Get the channels with the maximum and minimum values

      max = Math.max red, green, blue
      min = Math.min red, green, blue
      range = max - min;

Calculate the saturation. (0 if r=g=b=0)

      sat = if max == 0 then 0 else range / max
      switch max

If all three channels are the same then the color is achromatic

        when min then hue = 0

Calculate the mix of red green and blue

        when red then hue = (green - blue) / range + (green < blue ? 6 : 0)
        when green then hue = (blue - red) / range + 2
        when blue then hue = (red - green) / range + 4

Scale the hue appropriately

      hue *= 60

Return an HSV color

      hsv hue, sat, max


Converts an HSV color to its RGB equivalent using the algorithm from wikipedia.

    hsvToRgb = (color) ->
      hue = color.h
      sat = color.s
      val = color.v

Rotate the hue if necessary

      if hue >= 360 then hue = hue - Math.floor(hue/360)*360
      else if hue < 0 then hue = hue + (1+Math.floor(hue/360))*360

Crop the saturation and value

      sat = Math.max 0, Math.min(1, sat)
      val = Math.max 0, Math.min(1, val)

chroma is a measure of the colourfulness

      chroma = val * sat

x is either 0 or 1 * chroma depending on which part of the hue spectrum we're on

      x = chroma*(1-Math.abs((hue/60)%2-1))
      lightness = val - chroma

If there's no saturation then this is some shade of grey

      if sat == 0 then color = rgb 0, 0, 0

The proportions of red green and blue depend on which section of the hue spectrum we're in

      else if 0 <= hue and hue < 60 then color = rgb chroma, x, 0
      else if 60 <= hue and hue < 120 then color = rgb x, chroma, 0
      else if 120 <= hue and hue < 180 then color = rgb 0, chroma, x
      else if 180 <= hue and hue < 240 then color = rgb 0, x, chroma
      else if 240 <= hue and hue < 320 then color = rgb x, 0, chroma
      else if 320 <= hue and hue < 360 then color = rgb chroma, 0, x

Translate for lightness and scale to the correct range

      color.r = 255 * (color.r + lightness)
      color.g = 255 * (color.g + lightness)
      color.b = 255 * (color.b + lightness)
      return color

Color constructors

There's no need to give these their own classes as they're very simple.

    rgb = (red, green, blue) ->
      r: red
      g: green
      b: blue
    hsv = (hue, sat, val) ->
      h: hue
      s: sat
      v: val
  return ColorConverter

generated Fri Dec 21 2012 12:05:09 GMT+0000 (GMT)