mandelbrot.coffeecoffee/ | |
@licence This code is unlicenced. | window.require [
], |
A controller for the mandelbrot demo. | ($, modern, script, ko, MandelbrotCore, ColorConverter, MandelbrotColors) ->
"strict mode"
class Mandelbrot
Constructor | |
Set up dependencies and defaults | constructor: (@mandelbrotCore, @mandelbrotColors, canvasElement) -> |
Null check dependencies | throw "mandelbrotCore is required" unless @mandelbrotCore?
throw "mandelbrotColors is required" unless @mandelbrotColors?
throw "A canvas element is required" unless canvasElement?
Starting bounding box | @box =
top: 1
left: -2
bottom: -1
right: 1
context = canvasElement.getContext '2d'
throw 'Could not build 2d canvas context in canvas' unless context?
setCanvasSize canvasElement, context
if window.Modernizr.webworkers and window.JSON |
Use a web worker to do the magic | worker = new window.Worker 'js/mandelbrot-worker.js'
@drawSet = () =>
message = JSON.stringify
message: "run"
width: context.canvas.width
height: context.canvas.height
box: @box
maxIterations: 30
worker.addEventListener 'message',
((event) =>
data = JSON.parse
switch data.message
when "progress" |
$('#mandelbrotProgress .bar').css 'width', data.value+'%' | newEvent = document.createEvent 'Event'
newEvent.initEvent 'progress', true, true =
document.dispatchEvent newEvent
when "success"
@mandelbrotColors.drawEscapeTimesInContext(data.value, context)
), false
worker.postMessage message
else |
Do the magic ourself :-( | @drawSet = () =>
escapeTimes = @mandelbrotCore.getEscapeTimes context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height, @box, 30
@mandelbrotColors.drawEscapeTimesInContext(escapeTimes, context)
Attach resize code to resive event | $(window).resize =>
clearTimeout resizeTimer
resizeTimer = setTimeout (() => setCanvasSize canvasElement, context, @mandelbrotColors.cachedImage), 100
setCanvasSize = (canvasElement, context, cachedImage) ->
width = $(canvasElement).parent().width()
height = width * 2/3.0
context.canvas.width = width
context.canvas.height = height
if cachedImage?
context.drawImage cachedImage, 0, 0, width, height
Define our ViewModel (Todo: separate module?) | MandelbrotViewModel = () ->
@maxIterations = ko.observable 30
@loopColorsEvery = ko.observable 30
@progress = ko.observable 0
@inProgress = ko.computed () => @progress() < 100
return this
viewModel = new MandelbrotViewModel()
I think it would be overkill to do this in a factory | core = new MandelbrotCore()
colorConverter = new ColorConverter()
colors = new MandelbrotColors colorConverter, viewModel.maxIterations, viewModel.loopColorsEvery
canvasElement = document.getElementById 'mandelbrot'
mandelbrot = new Mandelbrot core, colors, canvasElement
viewModel.drawSet = mandelbrot.drawSet
viewModel.viewAsImage = () ->
window.location = colors.cachedImage.src
ko.applyBindings viewModel
document.addEventListener 'progress',
((event) ->
data = JSON.parse
viewModel.progress(Math.floor data.value)
), false